Educational Twitter: CPD; Community; Inspiration

This post is really just an excuse to put this brilliant tube map into my blog. It is the labour of love of Pete Jones, @Pekabelo, the Jersey photoshop maestro and professional enthusiast.  I am thrilled to be on it representing Liverpool Street.  The full size map can be downloaded here.

My journey into twitter started in May this year, after an Alan November conference inspired me to resurrect a dead account I’d jokily called headguruteacher some time last year – for about a week.

Now, several posts and followers later, I feel very much part of this brilliant, dynamic community of teachers, learners, tweeters sharing ideas and generally giving each other encouragement and the occasional bit of challenge to sharpen up our thinking as we all strive to be better at what we do.

Some people who currently feature prominently for me: (with hyperlinks to their blogs)

@TeacherToolkit:  the epicentre of much of what happens including #SLTchat – and a big promoter of ideas in general as with his Thunks idea.

@Edutronic_Net: inspirational English teacher, who engages with others as much as developing his own highly innovative ideas:  See here for a report on my wonderful visit to meet him.

@hgaldinoshea:  the most supportive, encouraging, positive teacher-tweeter out there.  Always something interesting to say; runs a fab blog

@ICTMagic and @aknill, my partners in crime in setting up TeachMeet Essex.. both people who are hugely engaged in what other people are doing and share tons of ideas of their own.  @ICTMagic is actually magic. His website is extraordinary.

The Clevedon crew, especially @ICTEvangelist and @LearningSpy.  Legends in their respective fields with brilliant blogs. @LearningSpy is responsible for half the content of my online library.

Two amazing ideas people: @HuntingEnglish  who has a great blog and @TomBoulter who is one those who you listen to when they speak! The Cherwell Learning online CPD stuff he makes is fantastic.

My Headteacher colleagues:  @johntomsett and @vicgoddard – inspirational Headteachers; always good value.

@tombennett71, @Informed_Edu, @RealGeoffBarton, @SchoolDuggery, and the lovely people at @GuardianTeach are also key people for keeping in touch and critiquing what is going on.

@LearningSpy, me, @TeacherToolkit a Hornsey cafe
@vicgoddard on a visit to@KEGS_Chelmsford
With @Edutronic_Net in his wonderful classroom
@ICTMagic and @aknill meeting to plan #TMEssex


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